Réseau HEM Europa est de nouveau avec vous. Opéré par Système-dedieu dans la Constellation GDMA, nous prônons la démocratisation du journalisme, soit une pratique allant de 1% à 99%. Nous sommes colorés et nous faisons dans une façon différente de voir la chose.
Initiatives of a New Uzbekistan

Initiatives of a New Uzbekistan Uzbekistan was among 28 countries invited to join the Facilitation Council of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator Initiative. This new mechanism of cooperation is to accelerate the development, production and equitable distribution of diagnostic and treatment tools, as well as vaccines against COVID-19. Its main message is « No one is safe until everyone is safe. » The initiative of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev on the adoption under the auspices of the UN…

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Titre publié : Communiqué, Europe, Global
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Russia might use the COVID-19 pandemic to launch another offensive in Ukraine

Russia might use the COVID-19 pandemic to launch another offensive in Ukraine Six years since Russia occupied Crimea and started its military intervention in eastern Ukraine, the Putin regime still adamantly calls it Crimean “self-determination” and civil war in Ukraine. Despite the Kremlin’s failing attempts to destabilize Ukraine, it remains the main focus of Russia’s revisionist energies. The war between Russia and Ukraine has no end in sight: The military front lines in eastern Ukraine have remained largely unchanged…

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Titre publié : english, IntDipl, Russia
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