Réseau HEM Europa est de nouveau avec vous. Opéré par Système-dedieu dans la Constellation GDMA, nous prônons la démocratisation du journalisme, soit une pratique allant de 1% à 99%. Nous sommes colorés et nous faisons dans une façon différente de voir la chose.
Reflections in Isolation: Walls and Barriers

Reflections in Isolation: Walls and Barriers Within this context it relates to my experience of being forced to remain physically separated from family and friends, strangers too, in face of the current worldwide peril of the Coronavirus. When it was threatening to become a menace to public safety and health it was ignored or denied. The virus without borders quickly spread far and wide with devastating effects that are now controlling our lives. The consequent development was the need…

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Titre publié : Global, IntDipl, International
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Improvement of scientific and education sphere is key vector of innovative development

Improvement of Scientific and Education Sphere is Key Vector of Innovative Development Science and education are what the people accumulated for thousands of years and passed it down from generation to generation, this is our priceless heritage, the President noted. Therefore, successful implementation of the state programmes in political, economic, social and cultural spheres requires permanent improvement of scientific potential, expansion of the outlook of the specialists, ability to use modern technologies, in other words the training of educated…

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Titre publié : Economie, Global, IntDipl
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